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Interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix

Modulation of cellular activities by laminin isoforms.

Laminin-binding integrins and other receptors in the control of epithelial cell migration.

The role of laminins in the formation and the remodeling of the epithelial basement membrane.

Fig. 1: One or more isoforms of laminin are present in all basement membranes. Laminin 332 is absolutely necessary for a functional epidermal basement membrane

Fig. 2: Cultivated human primary keratinocytes (green) have deposited and organized large amounts of laminin 332 (red)
Fig. 3: At the basal surface of healthy keratinocytes α6β4 integrins (red) are well organized (A) while they are randomly dispersed for keratinocytes lacking an important component (kindlin) of their adhesion complex (B)